Webinar about our study: "Main implications of connecting hydrogen projects to medium systems"

The webinar analyzed the current regulatory framework of medium grid systems in Chile, and possible modifications that allow to properly integrate the development of Green Hydrogen production projects.

The Webinar "Main implications of connecting hydrogen projects to medium systems | Study launch" was held and gathered more than 80 attendees. The event was organized by the Energy Partnership (EP) Chile-Alemania, the Ministry of Energy, the National Energy Commission and the consulting firm Ohmio Energía.

- Current regulation, regulatory barriers, proposals in areas such as: characterization, planning, certification and competition.

You can access the recording and the presentations here.

In case the video does not load, you can also watch it here.


Presentations, Study (in Spanish) and Executive Summary

Ohmio Energía: "Main implications of connecting hydrogen projects to medium systems"

Download presentation

Study: "Main implications of connecting hydrogen projects to medium systems"

Download The Full Report

Executive Summary: "Main implications of connecting hydrogen projects to medium systems"

Download executive summary

The Energy Partnership Chile-Alemania officially started in April 2019, wheen the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Chilean Ministry of Energy (MEN) signed an Agreement of Cooperation. This Partnership has a full-time secretariat in Santiago de Chile operated by the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) which is the implementing body of this project.